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Ocasio Cortez Venezuela

Ocasio Cortez Venezuela 6,5/10 1414 reviews

For being such a famously outspoken member of Congress from a majority-Hispanic district who likes to position herself as a champion for people of color, freshman congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been conspicuously quiet on the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Ocasio-Cortez’s avoidance of the issue is interesting, to put it charitably, given the significant news coverage of the litany of calamities in the country, from children dying of hunger, young protestors being shot at point-blank by Nicolas Maduro’s police forces, and the ongoing political struggle.

  1. Riley Roberts Ocasio Cortez

Is not the country Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., thinks it is, according to Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue on Newsmax TV. After Unanue participated in a White House Rose Garden event in July, Ocasio-Cortez was among the Democrats who called for a boycott of the Hispanic-owned food company. Ocasio-Cortez, a Democratic socialist, has not previously commented publicly on human rights offenses by the socialist regime in Venezuela. Trump announced on Wednesday that the administration would recognize Juan Guaido, the leader of the opposition movement in Venezuela, as the true president of Venezuela.

Plenty of Ocasio-Cortez’s colleagues in Washington, including at least one fellow Latina Democrat freshman House member, have spoken out on Venezuela and condemned the Maduro regime. Yet, a cursory search of Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter history shows that the representative from New York’s 14th congressional district has never even mentioned the word “Venezuela.”

Interestingly, Ocasio-Cortez’s sole reaction to yesterday’s dramatic developments — where the United States, Canada, France, and at least 11 Latin American countries recognized National Assembly leader Juan Guaido as the country’s interim president — has been to retweet progressive Rep. Ro Khanna’s (CA-17) pushback against a statement by a fellow Democrat, Senator Dick Durbin, in support of a transition to democracy in the country.

Make no mistake, Ocasio-Cortez’s silence on Venezuela, and apparent opposition to the United States recognizing Guaido’s constitutional interim presidency, is not due to a lack interest in the topic. It’s indicative of her extreme ideology and political commitments that the media have regularly failed to scrutinize, or worse, have even sought to normalize.

Ocasio-Cortez, like Rashida Tlaib and other progressives, ran for Congress as a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), the country’s largest socialist organization. As Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro has pointed out numerous times, DSA’s ideology is not synonymous with the economic system that Americans mistakenly associate with places like Denmark, a capitalist country. Last year, when I presented a team of Norwegian economists with a Vox article summarizing DSA’s economic proposals, 11 out of 12 indicated they fall on the “far-left/fringe” end of Norway’s ideological spectrum.

Another one of DSA’s extreme views is its unabashed support for the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro. When the Obama Administration imposed banking sanctions on a handful of Venezuelan regime officials for participating in human rights violations, DSA issued a full-throated defense of Maduro and mischaracterized the bipartisan measure, which was narrow and targeted specific individuals, as a broad-based policy aimed at the entire country.

To be fair, to my knowledge, Ocasio-Cortez has never explicitly endorsed the Maduro regime. But she has also never criticized it or disassociated herself from the organization in light of their public comments on the matter.

Moreover, yesterday, as most of Latin America, the European Union, and other countries joined the United States in recognizing Guaido as Venezuela’s legitimate interim president, DSA chapters across the country described the move as an imperialist coup by the United States. Similarly, in the tweet that Ocasio-Cortez shared, Congressman Khanna admonished the U.S. for “anointing” the country’s new president. This, of course, is absurd.

The United States and other countries are merely recognizing Venezuela’s presidential succession laws and respecting the will of the people, the overwhelming majority of whom want change. As President of Venezuela’s National Assembly, Guaido is akin to a U.S. Speaker of the House and, as required by his country’s constitution, became interim president in the absence of a legitimate executive officer holder.

According to articles 25 and 138 of the Venezuelan constitution, if an election violates human rights and usurps legal authority, it is not binding. In 2018, Venezuela held a fraudulent presidential election whose results were deemed illegitimate by the country’s National Assembly and 40 other countries.

While the Venezuelan constitution does not specifically address what should happen in the event of a sitting president’s fraudulent re-election effort, Article 233 sets forth that in the absence of an elected president, the head of the National Assembly must assume the presidency. Accordingly, pursuant to Venezuelan presidential succession laws, when Maduro’s term came to an end on January 10, Guaido became the country’s interim president until a new election is held.

Instead of standing alongside the millions of Venezuelans who are marching for freedom, including the thousands living in exile in the United States, Spain and throughout the world, Ocasio-Cortez is using her platform to amplify baseless arguments in defense of their oppressors. This not only points to her ideological extremism, it highlights, bolds, and triple-underlines the fact that she’s not as bold or new as she’s made out to be by the media.

Far from being a “fresh face,” Ocasio-Cortez’s silence on Venezuela is a throwback to the progressives of yesteryear who served as apologists for left-wing regimes throughout the world. Like Angela Davis’ supporting the Soviet Union and Rep. Barbara Lee eulogizing Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, by spreading talking points designed to buoy the Maduro regime, AOC is legitimizing the Venezuelan dictatorship and turning her back on its victims.

This is clearly morally reprehensible, but we also live in a culture that rewards fame over virtue; soundbites over substance; deems leftist extremism more tolerable than mainstream conservatism; prioritizes feelings over objective truth; and ultimately agrees with Ocasio-Cortez that while she may be frequently wrong, she’s morally right. As such, we should not expect her to pay any social consequences for her refusal to stand up for the Venezuelan men, women, and children who are fighting for their lives or for her peddling of demonstrably false, pro-Maduro propaganda.

While the invitations to softball interviews, late-night comedy shows, and panels will keep coming in, there’s a reason why the majority of Americans who know Ocasio-Cortez hold a negative view of her. Those of us whose parents and grandparents suffered under the boot of Latin American socialists can spot the radical ideology a mile away and we have never been shy about sharing our insights with fellow Americans.

We’ll never hesitate to share how the beliefs of this country’s nouveau socialists are rooted in the same envy, economic ignorance, and logical fallacies that ruined our families’ countries and those that our friends and neighbors also fled.

Still, some Americans will have a hard time accepting the fact that certain politicians and their allies simply don’t care about the victims of socialist regimes because it challenges deeply held existing beliefs. Rather than addressing their confirmation bias, they’ll concoct all sorts of excuses to avoid confronting difficult truths about their favorite leaders.

The rest of us who’ve seen this movie play out know better and we should challenge our friends to skip the mental gymnastics and come to terms with reality. And that reality is that, when given a choice between standing alongside the men, women, and children of Venezuela or their tormentors, politicians like Ocasio-Cortez have shown us who they really are. When someone does that, we should just take them at their word.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) dodged a reporter’s question Monday when asked if she denounces Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro amid the socialist country’s worsening humanitarian crisis.

Ocasio-Cortez took questions from the media during a press conference for the opening of her new office in Queens. Asked for her thoughts on Venezuela and the Maduro regime, the self-avowed democratic socialist acknowledged that a crisis was indeed occurring and called for any solution to be centered on the Venezuelan people — but expressed concern about potential U.S. intervention.


“I think that this is absolutely a complex issue,” Ocasio-Cortez began. “It’s important that we approach this very carefully. Myself, just like anyone else, is absolutely concerned with the humanitarian crisis that’s happening, and I think that any solution that we have centers the Venezuelan people and centers the democracy of Venezuelan people first.”

“I am very concerned about U.S. interventionism in Venezuela, and I oppose it,” she continued, before criticizing U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams’s handling of the issue and attacking his role in the Iran-Contra scandal. “He’s pleaded guilty to several crimes relating to Iran-Contra and I don’t think that we should be, you know, I am generally opposed to U.S. interventionism as a principal, but particularly under this administration and under his leadership I think it’s a profound mistake.”


Ocasio-Cortez is the latest Democrat to face questions regarding Venezuela’s deteriorating state of affairs. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has come under fire in recent weeks for refusing to refer to Maduro as a dictator. In a CNN town hall this month, Sanders defended the move, saying that while Venezuela’s latest election was not democratic, “there are still democratic operations taking place” in the country. Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) has criticized Sanders’ reluctance to call Maduro a dictator and accused the disputed Venezuelan president of running an “absolute dictatorship and a narco traffic state.”

Ocasio Cortez Venezuela

Riley Roberts Ocasio Cortez

“Dictatorship is dictatorship — whether from the right or left. Dictatorship oppresses their people. I’m really surprised that Senator Sanders could not at least call him a dictator,” Menendez told CNN’s John Berman.