W 4 Single Allowances
Do you know how many allowances you should be claiming on your W-4 for tax purposes? Should you claim 0 allowances, should you claim 1 allowance, or should you claim more than 1 allowances? Are you asking yourself “should I claim 1 or 0”?One of the big changes you can do is adjust the number of allowances you claim on your W-4.
- The IRS issued the new W-4 Form for 2020. If you’ve taken even a brief look at the form you’ll see that there is not a single part about allowances. In previous years, we could claim allowances and with our filing status, it would determine how much tax was being withheld. With the 2020’s W-4, it is now history.
- The old Form W-4 accounted for multiple jobs using detailed instructions and worksheets that many employees may have overlooked. Step 2 of the redesigned Form W-4 lists three different options you should choose from to make the necessary withholding adjustments. Note that, to be accurate, you should furnish a 2020 Form W-4 for all of these jobs.
I remember my first job ever. I came into my first day of work, all happy and bouncy.

I met with HR and got handed a folder about 1 inch thick of paperwork I had to fill out.
If your employer doesn’t have a W-4 form from you, the IRS requires it to treat you as a single tax filer, which means withholding the highest possible amount from your paycheck for taxes. You can get back the amount you overpay, but only in the new year when you file your tax return.
The poor HR lady must have seen the confusion and horror on my face.
She took pity on me and pull out just a few “essential papers” I needed to fill out on the spot.
One of those forms, the W-4.
Mind you, I had no clue what a W4 was and needless to say what an allowance was.
I vividly remember she asked me “Do you want more money or less money per paycheck”.
I was like “DUH” more money obviously. Who doesn’t?
She told me to write down 2 allowances and sign it.
Little did I know the total number of allowances I was claiming would have huge tax implications for me.
Do you know the total number of allowances you are claiming? If you thinking “How many allowances should I claim” keep reading because I go into details on how to maximizes your taxes by claiming a certain number of allowances.
What is a W-4 Form?
The Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate is most commonly know as a W-4. It is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax form that a person (employee) fills out to let the employer know how much taxes should be withheld from their paycheck.
You can download the form from the IRS website.

A W-4 is a form that every employee has to file.
It is a requirement from the US government.
This is how the employer knows how much federal income taxes should be withheld from your paycheck.
W 4 Single Allowances Worksheet
Employers are required by law to report new employees to a designated State Directory of New Hires.
W 4 Form Allowances Single
What are Allowances on W4?
W4 allowances are the number of people you are claiming.
The number of allowances determines the amount of money the employer takes out of your paycheck.