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Occasional Eye Flash

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If you see a speck in your vision that moves when you look around, it is probably a floater.

Occasional Eye Flash

Flashes are just what it sounds like: flashes of light in your vision. Some people describe them as “seeing stars.”

Eye floaters and flashes are both caused by the natural shrinking of the gel-like fluid in your eye (vitreous) that happens as you age. Floaters appear in your field of vision as small shapes, while flashes can look like lightening or camera flashes. Floaters are very common and typically don’t require treatment. Eye flashers are associated with the vitreous humor inside your eye. Vitreous humor is a gel-like substance that fills the majority of your eyeball. This gel allows light to enter the eye via the lens, and it is connected to the retina. If vitreous gel bumps or pulls on the retina, you may see flashes of light in the corner of your eye. Eye flashes are sometimes a symptom of an ocular migraine (also known as a retinal migraine), or a scintillating scotoma. People who suffer from one of these conditions may sometimes see shimmering areas of blindness in their field of vision, and these may sometimes be accompanied by flashes of light. Sometimes you may see an unexpected flashing light in one or both eyes, without an accompanying external source such as a bright light. If you do experience this, you should know that flashes (as well as floaters, another common symptom) are actually fairly common.

What causes eye floaters and flashes?

Your eye is filled with a clear gel called the vitreous. Changes in this gel cause most eye floaters.

You see flashes when the vitreous gel rubs against the retina or pulls on it. This can be easier to see in the dark or when you move your eyes.

Occasional eye flash

Do eye floaters and flashes need treatment?

Not always. Many floaters are harmless and your brain eventually gets used to them, but you should have an eye doctor check any new floaters.

Occasional Eye Flashes

See your eye doctor within 24 hours if:

  • You see flashes of light
  • A floater is interfering with your vision

Are eye floaters and flashes serious?

They can be. Seeing flashes of light or getting a new floater or many floaters can be a sign that the vitreous gel is pulling on your retina. The retina is the tissue at the back of the eye that receives images. A torn or damaged retina can cause vision loss, and this vision loss is sometimes permanent.

If vitreous gel goes through a tear in the retina and gets underneath it, this can push the retina out of its normal position on the back of the eye. Doctors call this “retinal detachment.” A retinal detachment is a very serious condition that is treated with surgery. But even then, doctors cannot always restore all the lost vision.

Occasional Eye Flashes

What should I do if I see flashes or a new floater?

Call your eye doctor. You should be seen by an eye doctor within 24 hours if you see flashes of light or have a new floater that affects your ability to see. Don’t wait! A complete, dilated eye exam is the only way to make sure you do not have a retinal tear.

Occasional eye flashes

Even if a new floater is not affecting your vision or seems small, you should have an eye doctor check it. Call your eye doctor and let them know you have a new floater.

You can reach Oregon Eye Specialists at 503-935-5580 or call any of our 10 convenient locations.

Warning signs with floaters and flashes

Warning signs of a retinal tear or detachment:

  • Vision loss – Either less vision than normal or total vision loss
  • Flashes of light – Like “seeing stars” or lightning
  • Shadows in your peripheral (side) vision
  • Something like a dark curtain across your vision

If you have any of these signs, call Oregon Eye Specialists at 503-935-5580 or call your primary care doctor.